Wissink6's Weblog

a place for friends and family

First weigh in

Well last night was my first weight in for the weight loss challenge in my town. Although I did not lose the most in week one I did alright with the scale showing a 10lbs loss. Now I will admit that it’s not exactly accurate as I didn’t eat supper before I went and the week before I had eaten a huge supper before the meeting. That being said I know by my own daily weigh in at home every morning that I have truly lost 5 pounds .I am  happy with that , I missed 2 days in a row of exercise and  only did Pilates once and strength training 2x. Yesterday and today I got up and got on the treadmill before 8am. We will see if getting on there early in my day will help me at all. I have worked up to jogging for 6 mins at 3.5 MPH. I upped my walking speed to 2.5 mph  now but still rarely go higher than a 3% incline. Guess that should be my next goal.

Someone had asked what my meal plan looks like and although I don’t really have on I will share  one day of my food intake. (a good day of course not  one when I eat  2 bowls of mashed potatoes)


3/4 cup  high fiber cereal

1/2 cup yogurt

1 asian pear

1 Large cup of coffee with 2 tsp evaporated cane juice and 2 tbsp coffee cream.

22 ounces of water before lunch


3- 5 ounces chicken breast

1 cup shredded cabbage

1/2 cup carrots

1 cup cauliflower

all sautéed together

another 22 ounces of water (at least)


13 bean chili:

a pkg of 13 bean mix

ground beef





assorted bell peppers

fresh tomato juice(thanks to my friend T and her juicer)

added spices .

more water


If I want a snack I might have  a piece of fruit dipped in yogurt .

Somedays I don’t eat as healthy  , I love my home made french fries and  last friday  I probably ate more than a supersize order of one.BUT most days I eat pretty close to what I wrote. I need to up my fruit and plan to start adding some berries to my breakfast . Hopefully this summer I will pick alot and can freeze and can them to use through out the year.

January 14, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment